"'You don't need to change any of your Pentecostal practices.' Such was the advice from a leading evangelical pastor, Rick Warren, to a recent gathering of Assemblies of God (AG) pastors in Phoenix, Arizona, at their biennial council. Urging the ministers not to abandon their use of spiritual gifts, he said, 'What you do need to do [instead] is explain them. Do not compromise what God has called you to do; simply make it explainable.' While reminding AG leaders that healthy churches focus on five purposes (worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry and evangelism), he suggested that Pentecostal church 'health' also means a sixth focus: 'to be Pentecostal.' He used the analogy of a person's first visit to the opera to explain the importance of helping newcomers to Pentecostal charismata understand what is going on: '[You wouldn't] ask the vocalists [in an opera] to sing in English or to change their tune; [you] simply want a little help in understanding what's going on and what it means.' One website currently offers these words of advice to those new to the opera: 'Operas are beautiful expressions of the Italian spirit...a tricky world for the novice. Understanding this glorious art requires patience and a willingness to learn. Opera...can bring the viewer to great heights of understanding and self-awareness.' Warren offers a clever and considerate analogy to the world of Pentecostalism." [Source] Which reigning Wagnerian diva takes an active interest in Rick Warren? Find out after the jump.
Click here to find out more about Ms. Voigt's other interests. Is it possible the soprano knows the powerful pastor and could be influencing him with these operatic analogies? If so, I certainly hope he caught the MET's "Live in HD" performance of Siegfried because it was mighty heavenly.