For fans of the television show Glee, the Warblers at Dalton Academy have a long-standing tradition of giving a canary to a new member. The latest inductee to care for the bird was Kurt. Featured in several of the episodes, the bird has served as a story line linchpin for the musical hit show. Last night's episode will probably be most remembered for the long-awaited kiss between Blaine and Kurt, but opera folks may have been giddy to see Pavarotti being protected from drafts by Kurt's Burberry cage cover. Kurt loves the bird for his "optimism and love of song." *Spoiler alert: The canary dies of an apparent stroke, which prompts Kurt to sing a memorial rendition of "Blackbird" by the Beatles. It is also the moment that Blaine realizes his true feelings for Kurt. Pavarotti the canary even had his own Twitter account and Glee wiki page. Watch the full episode and check out lots of screen caps after the jump.